(07) 5591 2062
Alcoholics Anonymous have many online and in person sessions across Queensland and the Logan region, including St Bernadine's Catholic Primary School in Browns Plains, Logan West Community Centre in Hillcrest, Forest Lake Community Hall, and many others.
1300 550 009
Australian Men’s Shed Association represent, support, and promote health and wellbeing and helping men to become valued and productive members of our community. Locations include Logan City, Greenbank RSL, Beenleigh District and Logan Village.
Autism Queensland offers goal setting and general support, and therapy programs (both group and individual).
Community Access Points offers local community organisations at courthouses, neighbourhood centres, hospitals, council offices or government agencies, and they provide a range of support services, information about services and free legal advice.
0414 983 049
From Me to You offers programs to assist you to identify your own self-care priorities and to develop your own self-care plan to put into place.
https://keng.org.au/great-mates-meet/ - (07) 3808 1684
Kingston East Neighbourhood Centre holds a weekly BBQ for men to come together, chat and build support networks to raise awareness around men’s health, mental health, and wellbeing.
Live Well Logan offers free and low-cost activities that suit you, regardless of your age, gender, mobility, or work schedule. Activities include bootcamps, yoga classes, men's health and wellbeing toolkits, diabetes education and maintenance program, women’s social groups, and gentle exercise classes throughout Logan.
Logan City Council offer many online and in person services for men in the area. These services included Brother to Brother (a support service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men during COVID-19), Common Ground (an online support group for all men), Brisbane South Online Open Men’s Group, Digital Dad’s Group (a 10 week program with weekly online video calls nationwide, linked to Movember), Dads in Distress (discusses custody and relationship issues), Circuit Breaker Program (online sessions that discuss temper and the quality of relationships), Men’s Life Skills (a 10 week program at Logan East Community Neighbourhood Association that covers communication, relationships, grief, separation, and brain function in a safe and supportive environment).
This Queensland Government webpage can locate local accommodation, advocacy, community support, counselling, education and training, employment, and other support services for women throughout Queensland.
NAASCA offered nationwide and local services for survivors of child abuse including Interact Counselling Services in Hillcrest, and the Centre against Sexual Violence in Slacks Creek.
1800 600 300
QCSS provides support to those who need a small amount of assistance to maintain or regain their independence, continue living safely in their homes and can actively participate in their community.
Services include Lifeline, DVConnect, 1800RESPECT Beyond Blue, Kids Helpline, Qld Human Rights Commission, Legal Aid Qld, Women’s Health Qld, Women’s Legal Service, and many others.
St Vincent de Paul Society offers local help and services. The link for the Queensland branch of services and support is attached above. The help they offer includes:
This Queensland Government webpage can assist you in finding employment and jobs, join a board, return to the workforce, manage your work-life balance, manage money, or start a business.
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